Monday, June 27, 2011


An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.

When talking with the people who God chooses for us to minister to there is always conversation about choices. The power of choice is a huge thing. The choice to leave or go, continue or quit, be connected or isolated, stay on coarse or fall off the boat. We celebrate and want to jump up and down when good choices are made and we cry and our hearts ache when bad choices are made. We have no control over the choices which people make. We love unconditionally, continue to reach out, and be available no matter what. It's tough sometimes, but the Lord knows that. He is the ultimate example of how to love no matter what choice is made. As His creation, we choose things over Him, choose to reject, even to ignore Him. However, we have a choice, we can choose today to love Him, accept Him, and be used by Him.

Thanks for choosing to be a part of our journey in sharing the love of Christ.

We love you!

Matthew & Wendy Martin

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