Monday, October 13, 2014

Hello Fall & Hello TWO great ways to
get involved
Denver Ladies Clothing Exchange-
Saturday, Oct 18th
1434 S. Logan Street Denver, CO 80210

You are invited to a Ladies Clothing Exchange Fundraiser benefitting Martin Missions!
What to Bring: $15 suggested donation at the door, your bags of gently used clothes, accessories/jewelry, purses, shoes, etc. & your friends. Enjoy refreshments, get as much clothes as you'd like, and then we will donate the rest of the clothes to Street's Hope, who transitions ladies out of the sex trade industry. It's a Win-Win for everyone!

Feel free to share this invite to invite your friends to come with you. Bring friends and meet new ladies in your area at this fun event.

Our wonderful friend Sandra Sidor is hosting this event in her home. The outside of her home looks like a store front, so come right on in to her cozy place.

All donations to Martin Missions are tax deductible.
Martin Missions: Helping those in need through transitional housing in Denver.

Martin Missions Pancake Brunch & Projects Outreach
 @ Joshua Station-
Saturday, Nov 8th
2330 W Mulberry Pl, Denver, Colorado 80204

Fall in Colorado, pancakes, & serving. What could be better? Join us as we grill up some warm tasty pancakes for the families in need at Joshua Station. We are also going to see what kinds of small projects we can lend a helpful hand with around the facility. If you plan on joining us, would you be willing to bring a brunch item? If you can't make it, would you be willing to donate the funds to help purchase the brunch items? This is a great outreach for the whole family. We hope you can join us!

We hope you are having a great start to this awesome season!
 We look forward to hearing from you soon.
In Christ's Love,
The Martin Family


Monday, April 7, 2014

Providence- Street's Hope- Martin Missions

Come join us! 2 great opportunities:
**Tuesday, April 15th @ 6pm
(1 spot available)
Easter Bingo & Sundaes
at Providence House
(substance abuse rehab) 
**Thursday, May 15th @ 7pm
(Ladies only, 3 spots available)
Ladies Craft Night
 at Street's Hope
(ladies coming out of the sex trade industry)  
We will make cards, eat dessert, and I'll be sharing my testimony. Bring crafty items to share if you have them.
If you would like to sponsor the food for either of these events you can donate @
or send a check to
Martin Missions
P.O.Box 2472
Englewood, CO 80150
Email me for more details:
Have a great day!!!
The Martin Family  

Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 Opportunities (Jan-Feb)

Hello Everyone!


Happy New Year 2014! We hope this year will be the best year yet! We just want to highlight some of our events we have coming up for you to either join us, pray for, and/or help sponsor as we serve our city with the love of Christ.


Here are some events we could use some help &/or sponsorship:

January Opportunities:

Pancake Breakfast @ The Parkway- (THIS SATURDAY) January 18th 10am-noon
Volunteers please arrive at 9:30 to help set up 1170 Galapago Street Denver, CO 80204

Chili Night @ The Parkway- Tuesday, January 28th 6:30-7:30pm (Bring some chili to share:) 
Volunteers please arrive at 6pm to help set up 1170 Galapago Street Denver, CO 80204

February Opportunities:

 Joshua Station Valentines Pancake Brunch- Saturday, February 8th  9:30-11am
A GREAT EVENT for KIDS to serve! 
Joshua Station's address: 2330 W Mulberry Pl  Denver, CO 80204
We need sponsors to help buy pancakes: Donate online at 
Taco Night @ The Parkway- Wednesday, February 19th 6:30-7:30pm
Volunteers please arrive at 5:30pm to help set up & prepare meal
1170 Galapago Street Denver, CO 80204
                               RSVP for these events @


                             Clothing Exchanges!

           We are excited to announce we will be hosting Clothing Exchanges both here in Denver and in Texas as a fun new way to raise funds to continue serving here in Denver.
So Ladies- Don't donate your clothes just yet, save them for an Exchange!
So far we are planning a Denver Ladies Clothing Exchange in March
and a Fort Worth Ladies Clothing Exchange in June.
Stay tuned for the dates!

The details are simple:

$15 donation at the door
  Bring your unwanted clothes, accessories, purses, shoes, etc.
Bring friends and meet new ladies in your area
   Enjoy refreshments
    Get as much clothes as you'd like
                             We will donate the rest of the clothes to a local non-profit  
        It's a Win-Win for everyone! 


Do you think it would be fun to have an Exchange at your house?
I'd love to come host one with you. Just open your doors, invite your friends, and I (Wendy) will take care of the rest!
Let's chat and plan one together! 

Let us know if you would like to help us with any of these great opportunities to serve.
        These are only some of the events we get to host in our city over the next couple months.

Please continue to pray for us as we:
 Host three events per month & make weekly welcome visits at our community the Parkway
         Have the opportunity to serve our Martin Missions ministry partner communities.


It is a joy to have you on this journey with us! Matt and I are super excited to not only serve our city together but also to include our new baby girl, Willow Jewel. What a dream come true to be able to serve our city as a family. Thanks for your support in so many ways. We appreciate you all.


In Christ's love,
                                                                The Martin Family