Two of our friends we have had the privilege to be in relationship with took the plunge by giving their hearts completely to Jesus and getting baptized last Sunday. With tears in our eyes, we watched as these men surrendered their lives to the one who loves them, forgives them, and will never give up on them. Both of these men have been through a tough life. Their stories are real, the pain they have felt is true, but the transformation that is taking place in their hearts is a miracle. Why a miracle you ask? I can't describe it, I can just see it in their life, I hear it in their words, and I sense it with my spirit. It's exciting, refreshing, and makes me remember what it was like when I first fell in love with the Lord. My heart leaps just being around those who are eagerly seeking the truth.

"This is life, and without Jesus, there is no life"-Mark

"I've tried to do this on my own, I can't, that's what I need, I need Him to help me."-Scotty
Thank you for supporting Martin Missions Inc.
We are blessed to be serving His people.
Love to you and your family,
Matt and Wendy Martin